Admittedly, I've come a bit late to the whole Twitter thing (and I've always tried to be such an early adopter – well, ok, BMX bikes passed me by too – and don't tell anyone but I'm not on FaceBook).
As it stands, a whole week in, I can kind of see the attraction of Twitter. Essentially, it allows me to get a quick thought out without writing a whole blog post. Of course there's also the ability to stay in vicarious touch with other people - either those I know or those I've heard of. But really it's a time thing.
It's interesting to note that at one time putting your personal thoughts 'out there' meant creating a website (well, there was a bit of a period pre-internet but let's skip past that one). Updating was a pain and not exactly conducive to a dynamic, real time experience.
More recently came blogging which made publishing the content of your head way, way easier. Everybody waded in, writing lots, updating regularly. Until life and work got in the way and the posts began appearing at more sedate intervals.
Now, with the imposition of the 140 character limit, dashing off a quick thought is, well, pretty quick. It'll be interesting to see how this latest phenomenon affects the volume of blog posts. Will people increasingly take the quick and easy over the considered? We'll see.
Of course, this makes me wonder about what comes next. Micro-tweeting with a 20 character limit? Emoticons only? Only time will tell.