And the race to deliver the first multi-touch product is won by... Microsoft.
Of course they had to rename it. So for the people of Redmond, multi-touch is now Surface Computing. Here's a teaser video which features all the wow-stuff that gets people excited about this technology:
Check out their microsite here. Some additional commentary can be found here and here.
At the moment (despite the impression the video gives) Microsoft are aiming Surface squarely at a business audience (in store, entertainment venues etc). So we're unlikely to see a rush of Surface office desks any time soon.
The thing that gets me excited about this technology is the opportunity it appears to offer for a completely different OS interface, one that can adapt to the user and application in ways that make current systems look very one dimensional.
(BTW sorry for the lack of posts just lately, a combination of taking a quick week off and being as busy as a very busy thing with too much to do.)