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Could Kindle be key to your next content marketing strategy?

Content marketing, for me, is the defining trend in B2B right now. The move from interruption-based communications to customer engagement via interesting, useful content is where today's B2B marketers should be investing.

Of course, there is always the issue of distribution. You've got a great piece of content, how and where do you get it out into the wider world? There are many options from blogs to ebooks to social networks to whatever else you can think of. But one that I'm pretty excited about (and which doesn't get enough of a mention) is Kindle.

It was recently reported that in the US, Kindle book sales now exceed paperbacks (and exceed hardbacks in the UK). And the Kindle application is already available for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone (as well as in the Kindle unit itself). As such it offers a viable platform for distributing text-based content.

Publishing to Kindle is also easier that you probably think. There's a full guide on Amazon's site (or you can download a Kindle-based guide). You can make the content free and Amazon's Whispernet is a pretty great piece of technology for getting it onto users' screens.

Something to think about for your next B2B content marketing strategy.

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Reader Comments (2)

but when everyone starts to think of everything as a place for marketing its dangerous - people will start writing 'short stories' that are packed with subliminal advertising, cleverly written pieces that are all just promotions for a product.

if they make it as an e-book that's free to download, thousands of people will read it and bam thats cheap advertising to them

19 October, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGadget Girl

Good points. I like to think people are smarter than to fall for that (though product placement is well established in other media). If the content isn't compelling, it's a waste of time and money.

The Kindle – especially the Fire – will carry an increasing amount of magazine-like content and is also perfect, of course, for ebooks. It is more as a platform that I think it holds opportunities for marketing.

Thanks for your comments.

19 October, 2011 | Registered CommenterJason Ball

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